Intelligent Fuel Management System

How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

Offline Script

Offline Script

Application Advantages

Rich/Dynamic Reporting

Rich/Dynamic Reporting

Online/Offline Editing

Online/Offline Editing



Integrated with ERP Software

Integrated with ERP Software

Maintenance Schedule and Alarms

Maintenance Schedule and Alarms

Web-Based Mobile Supported

Web-Based Mobile Supported

Easy Operation

Easy Operation

Fast Integration

Fast Integration

IoT Compatible

IoT Compatible

Language Harmony

Language Harmony

DYS for Maintenance/Malfunction/Machine Documents

DYS for Maintenance/Malfunction/Machine Documents

Mimware Advantage



Working with all functions Offline and Online

Guarantee of uninterrupted fuel operation

End-to-end fuel management and fuel distribution automation

Accurate measurement with fuel temperature measurement and accuracy correction

Precise fuel measurement management (0.2%)

Main Tank instant fuel level measurement and alarms

Mobile Tanker instant fuel level measurement and alarms

Distribution of fuel with authorization at all your construction sites

Adaptation of your existing fuel distribution equipments to new technologies with IoT

Conversion of old dispenser units to intelligent solution with IoT

Conversion of old fuel transfer units to intelligent solution with IoT

Industrial equipment with resistance to low and high temperatures

Impact, dust and moisture resistant industrial equipment

Exproof/IP65/IP67 hardware

Flexible and easy-to-use fuel tracking software

Collection and reporting of important fuel distribution data from the field (Company / Km / Working Hours / Equipment / Location / Operator / Subcontractor / Etc.. )

Flexible and detailed fuel usage reports

Summary fuel usage reports

Reduction of fuel loss and reduction of operational expenses

Our Solutions

Smart Dispensary Transformation
Smart Fuel Transfer Kit
Main Tank Level Measurement Systems
Mobile Tanker Construction Site Fueling Operation
Mimware Construction Site Fuel Automation Software Elements

Frequently Asked Questions

Can your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software be integrated with existing ERP software?

Yes, our software can work integrated with existing ERP software. There is no restriction.

Can your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software be integrated with other third-party software?

Yes, our software may integrate with other third-party software, but this may be through the other software company accepting it and sharing some information.

What is IoT-Supported maintenance and fault software?

IoT or m2m is an abbreviated version of the communication feature between machines. Dec. Our software has the ability to collect data remotely from elements that work in the field, such as machinery or equipment. These data are information such as the identity, location, km information, working time information of the machine. They can also be shaped according to the customer's demands.

Does your Smart Maintenance and Fault tracking software have a mobile application?

Yes, there are. Thanks to this mobile application, both data is collected from the field and many functions that will support the software are also working on mobile.

Does your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software do tire tracking?

Yes, he does. Our software is suitable for track-based maintenance monitoring. In other words, maintenance monitoring can be defined separately for more than one part of an equipment.

According to what does your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software track the maintenance status?

Bu sorunun cevabı bakımı yapılacak mekanik unsurun özelliklerine bağlıdır. Örneğin bir araç "Km" ye göre bakıma girerken bir iş makinası çalışma saatine göre bakıma girebilir. Bunun yanında bir güneş enerjisi santralindeki solar panel belirli bir periyoda göre bakıma alınır. Veya kullandığı yağ ile orantılı bakıma giren kamyonlar vardır. Yani her mekanik unsurun farklı bakım parametresi olabilir. Yazılımımız mevcuttaki olası parametreleri destekler ve bakımı ona göre otomatize edebilir. Ve eğer ilk defa karşılaşılan bir bakım parametresi var ise bunu yazılıma katmak uzun sürmez.

Does your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software work integrated with stock, warehouse?

Yes, it can work. If you have a software that keeps stock or warehouse, we can integrate. Otherwise, it can also be proceeded with the "Mimware Warehouse & Stock Tracking" software. In fact, our software is designed to inform the warehouse specialists in advance of the material list to be used by contacting them by e-mail for an element that has received maintenance or has failed. Thus, delivery forms and parts are prepared before and things are facilitated.

Can your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software work integrated with our existing purchase software?

Evet, çalışabilir. Burada mevcut satınalma yazılımınıza entegre olabiliriz. Eğer yoksa "Mimware satınalma ve tekliflendirme" yazılımımızı sunabiliriz. Buna ek olarak yine Bakım ve Arıza yazılımı vasıtasıyla depo/stok eksiği olan ve bakımı yaklaşan unsurların ihtiyacının önceden tedarik edilmesi için de otomatik hatırlatma e-mailleri attırabiliriz.

How does your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software calculate labor and material expenses?

During the analyses, the average man x hour expenses for each unit are taken from the customer and put into the system. The price of the materials is already available in software such as erp / warehouse / stock. Maintenance and malfunction are also found in the labor cost with the elapsed time. The prices of the total list of materials used are also drawn from the ERP or inventory software.

How do you know the machines in the field in Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software?

Our software is open to various methods to deduplicate each machine. first of all, our software gives each machine a square code ID. It is possible to read this with a mobile device in the field and access the machine's maintenance and failure history, maintenance catalogs and other information (even if there is no coverage). Operations and controls can be performed by looking at this maintenance catalog in the field and uploaded to the main software. In addition, our software also supports RFID or MiFare technologies. October 20, 2019. In other words, the same operations can be performed by defining an RFID tag on the machines.

Which sectors does your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software support?

Fleets, factories, construction companies, mining enterprises, port enterprises, energy distribution companies, wrestling energy production facilities (GES), wind energy production facilities (RES), hydroelectric power plant structures (HEPP), etc. As our structure is very flexible and dynamic, we can add maintenance and fault automation of all mechanical elements to our software.

Can OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) tracking be done with your Intelligent Maintenance and Fault tracking software?

Yes, it can be done. Before doing a job in our mobile software, we offer the user item by item as a reminder of the OHS related to that job. The user has to read and apply each OSH item related to the work he does on the site and click on the item from the application so that he can start maintenance and troubleshooting activities. Camera shooting can also be done if desired. Accordingly, the user who does the work actually officially acknowledges that he has taken the OHS steps on the field, and the company obligation disappears.


Types of Equipment

Types of Equipment

Type of Equipment (Outdoor)

Type of Equipment (Outdoor)

Adding Equipment Type

Adding Equipment Type

Equipment Type Update

Equipment Type Update

Brand Model Definitions

Brand Model Definitions

Adding a Brand Model Definition

Adding a Brand Model Definition

Brand Model Definition Update

Brand Model Definition Update

Brand Model Definition Adding a Model

Brand Model Definition Adding a Model

Company Definitions

Company Definitions

Adding a Company Description

Adding a Company Description

Company Definition Update

Company Definition Update

Equipment Descriptions

Equipment Descriptions

Adding Equipment Description

Adding Equipment Description

Equipment Description Update

Equipment Description Update

Equipment Description Update

Equipment Description Update

Equipment Description Components

Equipment Description Components

Equipment Description Working Detail

Equipment Description Working Detail

Fuel Movements

Fuel Movements

Adding Fuel Movements

Adding Fuel Movements

Fuel Movements Update

Fuel Movements Update

Adding Fuel Movements Transfer

Adding Fuel Movements Transfer

Fuel Movements Transfer Update

Fuel Movements Transfer Update

Fuel Movements (List) 1

Fuel Movements (List) 1

Fuel Movements List 2

Fuel Movements List 2

Transfer Fuel Movement

Transfer Fuel Movement

The Fuel Motion Transfer File is Loaded

The Fuel Motion Transfer File is Loaded

Tank Levels

Tank Levels

Fuel Consumption Details Report Is Full of Equipment

Fuel Consumption Details Report Is Full of Equipment

Fuel Consumption Details Report Is Full of History

Fuel Consumption Details Report Is Full of History

Fuel Consumption Averages Report is Full - 1

Fuel Consumption Averages Report is Full - 1

Fuel Consumption Averages Report is Full

Fuel Consumption Averages Report is Full

The Tank Movement Report Is Full

The Tank Movement Report Is Full

Fueling Screen

Fueling Screen

Fuel Movements 1

Fuel Movements 1

Fuel Movements 2

Fuel Movements 2

Fuel Movements 3

Fuel Movements 3

VID Reading Screen

VID Reading Screen

Tank and Tanker Level Measurement

Tank and Tanker Level Measurement

Mobile Menu

Mobile Menu

Machine Equipment RFID Identification

Machine Equipment RFID Identification



